So if you weren't aware by our tweets (if you don't follow us do it now, like seriously stop reading and go on twitter and follow us @OhhTeeBlog) today is Professor Gabriel Emerson day!!! Sylvain Reynard has managed to capture our hearts and mind like no other author has. Not only does this man mention Dante's Inferno (The Divine Comedy) and other great books but he managed to make professor Emerson the best fictional character with the closest resemblance to a man who I personally adore and fangirl and would climb like a tree (cough cough I have no shame) David Gandy! *jumping up and down*
Also if you haven't read Gabriel's Inferno and Gabriel's Rapture DO IT NOW! And then go follow Sylvain Reynard on twitter too. He's great with interacting with his fans and also give away little previews and he always gets us donuts.
This is one of the rarest moments that T and I actually agree on who we picture as Professor Emerson. So I got on the handy dandy world wide web and googled (cause let's be honest, google is awesome!) and have found some very delicious looking pictures of David Gandy as Professor Emerson.
Enjoy the eye candy ladies ;) and for our fellow male followers look and imagine yourself as sexy (which I'm sure most of you are ;) ) as Mr. Gandy. (Remember how in my "Getting to Know Us" I said I used winky faces during the most inappropriate times? Yeah I still do ;) lol)
x. O
x. O
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